
Chats and resources to school staff and students focused on character foundations, emotional stability, and career coaching for the future.


Seminars focused on helping parents in their vital role of preparing their children for facing the complicated issues of life.


Pleas to churches to establish solid relationships with schools to be an agent of change on shaping the culture through seeing lives eternally changed.

Core Values

Executive Director, Artios Academies of Gwinnett, Lilburn, GA

“Derwin has a heart for today’s young people. Knowing about them is not enough, he desires to know what makes them tick and then challenge them to become all that God has created them to be. As a staff member at Artios, he intentionally learned each student’s name within the first couple weeks of school so he would be able to call them by name. This opened the door for him to be able to enter into conversation with them and dive deep into conversations where other adults may have been shut out. Derwin’s own children enjoy being with him and welcome him into their friend groups which I think speaks to the type of relationship they have with their father.
It is not enough in today’s world to tell a young person how they should live and expect them to be motivated to follow through. Relationship is vital in building trust with students! As a teacher and mentor at Artios Derwin has sought to connect with the students. He knows them by name, he takes the time to learn who they are and what they are passionate about. But he doesn’t stop there. He then challenges them in what they claim to believe, especially when their actions do not line up with what they are professing. He is able to speak the truth in a way that allows the students to absorb it, even when it isn’t what they want to hear.”
Kelly Harvie

Previous Student, Orange Grove Middle School, Tampa, FL (97-98)

“As an 8th grader, one of the first things that caught my attention was that he was black. I do not wish to make this about race, but he was the first Black American (Male) teacher that I ever had. In my mind, being a teacher was something that black men did not do. Mr. Anderson proved me wrong on so many levels. It was his integrity and the initiative that he took with not only me but every student he encountered. I learned from him to respect myself so others would do the same. No matter the room, he walked in with his presence and demanded respect. I learned to do that. One thing that had a lasting effect on me was Mr. Anderson being firm, fair, and consistent. I have kept these three things close to me, remembering Mr. Anderson as my example on how to live and be in this world. I cannot remember the year, but it was the last Billy Graham crusade he would ever lead. It was Mr. Anderson who asked me if I would like to go. I responded yes. With permission from my auntie, I was able to go. It was at this crusade that my Christian life began. Thank you Mr. Anderson for being a great Godly example for me and all the other students’ lives you encountered.”
Vincent Taylor

Parent, Artios Academies of Gwinnett, Lilburn, GA

“We are blessed with four children who have all either spent time with Jacquelyn or Derwin Anderson in an educational setting. The only way I can think of to describe the way they both connect with students goes back to some time my husband and I spent in South Africa. The Zulu tribe there has a very particular way of greeting each other. It is with the word Sawubona, it means “I see you.” This is more than a physical seeing, it is seeing where the person is spiritually and emotionally also, it is a way of recognizing the dignity and worth of an individual. When your student interacts with the Andersons, they are seen, cared for, appropriately challenged, and blessed.”
Emily Bruso

Student Pastor, Curtis Baptist Church, Augusta, GA

“Derwin truly has a pastor’s heart that is hard to find. He longs to know every person on an individual basis so that he can effectively minister to the group. His speaking is extremely relatable and allows anyone of any age to be able to connect with the gospel. All this is possible because his heart is to see people know Christ deeper more than anything else even over personal gain.”
James Choi

Parent, Artios Academies of Gwinnett, Lilburn, GA

“Derwin and Jacquelyn have been such a blessing to me, my family, and my son.  They helped give him support when he needed it most.  This support was not just academic, but also a strong mentoring relationship to walk alongside and provide spiritual and emotional support when the need was there. The Andersons epitomize Galatians 6:9 – “And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.”
Mark Hanses

Parent, Artios Academies of Gwinnett, Lilburn, GA

“It has been such a blessing and joy getting to know Derwin and Jacquelyn Anderson over the past two years at Artios Academy.  I observed very quickly how much they truly care and love each of their students.  Derwin and Jacquelyn not only have a strong desire to see each student educated, but they unselfishly and lovingly invest so much of themselves into helping each student be the absolute best version of themselves. They are a true blessing to the staff and parents of Artios as well with their commitment, encouragement, and leadership.”
Debbi Whittemore

Previous Student, Artios Academies of Gwinnett, Lilburn, GA (2019-2021)

“Having Mr. Anderson as a teacher is no different than having him as a mentor and friend; inside and outside of the classroom he is humble and vulnerable. He helped shape me into the man and Christian I am today by respecting and caring for me both in my education and personal walk with God. As I have gone on into leadership roles of my own, I have aspired to lead others in the genuine, and intentionally Christ-centered way that he has lead me.”
Jack Gottschang